+254 (020) 2693834


Oct, 2014

Gripe Water

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Sodium Bicarbonate BP 50mg + Dillseed oil Terpenless 2.15g Pharmacological Class: Antiflatulent Indications: Relief of Gripes; Excess Acid and Flatulence in children. Dosage New born infants: 2.5ml 1-6mns: 5ml 6mns – 2yrs: 10ml Over 2yrs: 15ml The above doses are given after feeding up to 8 times daily. Side Effects: No known side effect Contra-indications: No known contra-indication. Generally avoid sodium bicarbonate in patients with respiratory or metabolic alkalosis. Do not exceed the stated doses



Oct, 2014


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Pharmacological Classification. Psychoanaleptics. Indications. Treatment of patients with endogenous depression. Alleviating anxiety or agitation that often accompanies depression. It has been used with benefit in depression of long or short duration. Dosage and directions for use. Adults: Initially 75 mg to 150 mg daily in divided doses. Maintenance dose is 50 mg to 100 mg daily in divided doses. Contra-indications. Hypersensitivity. Avoid concomitantly with a monoamine oxidase inhibiting compound. When it is desired to substitute amitriptyline for a monoamine oxidase inhibitor, a minimum of 14 days should be allowed to […]



Oct, 2014

Habine X

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Topical disinfectant for hospital floors and other surfaces.



Oct, 2014


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TOPICAL SCANNING GEL. Ultra Sound topical scanning gel



Oct, 2014

Lockit.Domperidone Tabs

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Lockit.Domperidone Tabs – 10mg & Syr. 5mg/5ml Pharmacological class: Dopamine Antagonist Gastric Stimulant Indications: Acute nausea & Vomiting as a result of cytotoxic or radiotherapy. Bromocriptine or levodopa induced nausea and vomiting. Prokinetic in GIT disorders e.g Dabetic Gastroparesis. Non-ulcer dyspepsia to speed barium transit through the intestines during examination. Dosage & Administration. Adults – Nausea & Vomiting: 10-20mg every 4-8hrs – maximum treatment period 12weeks. Children: 200-400mcg / kg body weight 4-8 hours Functional Dyspepsia: 10-20mg TDS before food and 10-20mg at night Maximum treatment period – 12 weeks […]



Sep, 2014

Duxcospan Caplets & Tablets

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DUXCOSPAN PLUS TABLETS: Each tablet contains: Hyoscine butyl bromide B.P 10mg. Paracetamol B.P 500mg. Pharmacological Properties: Duxcospan plus tablets is a combination of hyoscine butyl bromide and paracetamol. Hyoscine butyl bromide is a quaternary ammonium derivative with antimuscarinic effects. It exerts a specific antispasmodic action on the smooth muscle of the gastrointestinal, biliary and urinary tracts, this action being produced long before the side-effects, characteristic of stropine-like substance occur. Paracetamol is a Para-aminophenol derivative, has analgesic and antipyretic properties. It is used in the symptomatic management of pain and fever. […]



Aug, 2014


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Norfloxacin 400mg Pharmacological Class: Fluoroquinolone antibiotic Indications: Acute Urinary tract infections: 400mg BD 7-10 Days Acute uncomplicate cystitis: 200 – 400mg BD *30/7 Recurrent or chronic Relapsing UTIs: 400mg BD *30/7 GIT infections: 200-400mg BD * 5/7 Acute Gonococcal infections: 800mg stst Urological and post operative prophylaxis -400mg BD before and after surgery as required. Prophylaxis of sepsis in neutropenic patients 400mg TDS – Period depends on discretion of physician Contra – Indications Hypersensitivity to active ingredients & severe renal impaired patients  



Aug, 2014

Unibazole – Other Quality Medicine

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Albendazole 200mg & 400mg Tabs / 4% pediatric susp. Pharmacological Class: Imidazole anti-helminth Indications: Pin worm or Thread worm Whip worm Large round worms Hookworm Tape worm Dosage & Administration Adults & Children over 2 years: 400mg stat Incase of strongyloidiasis or taeniasis: 400mg OD * 3/7; if no cure, follow up after 3 weeks and give a second course. NB: chew or crush the tabs and mix with food. Oral bioavailabilty is enhanced when taken with a fatty meal. Contra-Indications Pregnancy – in women 15 -40 years; – administer […]